The NOW Program is funded by the Santa Clara County Office of Reentry and the California Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections. This program exclusively serves the re-entry population and is designed to reduce recidivism and alleviate the burden on Santa Clara County’s jails and court systems.

Upon enrolling into the NOW Program, participants are placed into 90 days of part-time employment here at Goodwill of Silicon Valley, learning the workplace skills needed to maintain long term employment. All job seekers attend job readiness workshops, Moral Reconation Therapy and are partnered with dedicated staff to develop an individualized plan for navigating from the criminal justice system and into a stable life.

In the 6 years since we launched, the program has successfully placed 70% of participants into full-time employment. Thus accomplishing our overall goal of reducing recidivism and providing an avenue to a promising life for every successful program graduate.


This year we have added a Day Workers component to our offerings.

The WORK NOW Program is geared towards offering immediate employment on a short term basis to job seekers who have a history of criminal justice involvement. Providing an opportunity to work and get paid on a daily basis. It will also connect individuals with resources and referrals to address the individual needs of its participants who are attempting to navigate the Re-entry system in Santa Clara County.

If you are interested in entering the New Opportunity Program, learn how by clicking this link to view the Brochure.

If you are an employer interested in offering employment opportunities to our graduates please feel free to connect with us:

Check out the following videos to learn more about the NOW Program:

Vinessa Lira

Vinessa Lira

Program Manager

Crystal Perez

Crystal Perez

Re-entry Case Manager III

Michelle Beemer

Michelle Beemer

Reentry Case Manager III

Rickey Goins

Rickey Goins

Re-entry Case Manager II

Robert Sosa

Robert Sosa

Employment Specialist

Daniel Chavez

Daniel Chavez

Employment Specialist

Sofia Lopez

Sofia Lopez

Peer Mentor

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